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"In 1966, the Great Proletarian Cu" of Danish translation


In 1966, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR) began. The purpose of this revolution was to wipe out revisionists within the Communist Party of China. Not only that, but the GPCR has also affected the socialist movement around the world. In Japan, students took to the streets. Holding high the banner of socialism in Peru, Chairman Gonzalo proposed Maoism through the synthesis of Chairman Mao‘s thoughts and theories; in India, the Naxalbari uprising ignited the spark, and the Communist Party of India (Maoist) would become the political force of India to begin a protracted people’s war; in Turkey, Ibrahim Kaypakkaya formed TKP/ML to start a revolutionary struggle.
But the GPCR still failed. Deng Xiaoping ultimately seized power, and China took the road of revisionism and imperialism. However, the spirit of the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Revolution has not gone away, and it still inspires the current global Marxist-Leninist-Maoist movement. In India, in Turkey, in Peru, and in the Philippines, the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist people‘s armed forces are still continuing the protracted People’s Wars; other Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties and organizations are also preparing to participate in their own People‘s Wars. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, protracted people’s war, this is the legacy of the Communist Party of China before it became revisionist, and it should now be inherited by Marxism-Leninism-Maoists worldwide


I 1966 begyndte den store proletære kulturrevolution (GPCR).Formålet med denne revolution var at udrydde revisionister inden for Kinas Kommunistiske Parti.Ikke kun det, men GPCR har også påvirket den socialistiske bevægelse rundt om i verden.I Japan tog eleverne på gaden.Idet formanden Gonzalo holdt s in fane højt i Peru, foreslog han maoisme gennem syntesen af formand Mao8216s tanker og teorier;I Indien tændte Naxalbari-opstanden gnisten, og Indiens Kommunistparti (Maoist) ville blive Indiens politiske styrke til at indlede en langvarig krig mod folket.I Tyrkiet dannede Ibrahim Kaypakkaya TKP/ML for at starte en revolutionær kamp.
Men GPCR mislykkedes stadig.Deng Xiaoping overtog i sidste ende magten, og Kina indtog revisionismens og imperialismens vej.Men ånden fra det kinesiske kommunistparti og den kinesiske revolution er ikke væk, og den inspirerer stadig den nuværende globale marxistisk-leninistisk-maoistiske bevægelse.I Indien, i Tyrkiet, i Peru og i Filippinerne fortsætter det marxistiske-leninistiske-maoistiske folk 8216s væbnede styrker stadig de langtrukne folkedrab;Andre marxistiske-leninistiske-maoistiske partier og organisationer forbereder sig også på at deltage i deres egne folkets krige.Marxisme-leninisme-maoisme, langtrukne mennesker 8217s krig, dette er arven fra det kinesiske kommunistparti, før det blev revisionistisk, og det skal nu arves af marxisme-leninisme-maoister i hele verden

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