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"In particular, we have deep feeli" of Korean translation


In particular, we have deep feelings for the great spirit formed in this historical period. For example, the spirit of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, the spirit of the Great Northern Wilderness, the spirit of Daqing, the spirit of Lei Feng and the spirit of Jiao Yulu are the genetic code for our party's continuous growth and growth from victory to victory, which urgently needs to be inherited and carried forward.


특히 이 역사 시기에 형성된 위대한 정신에 대해 우리는 깊은 감정을 가지고 있다.예를 들어 항미원조정신, 북방대황정신, 대경정신, 뇌봉정신, 초유록정신은 우리 당이 끊임없이 성장하고 승리에서 승리로 나아가는 유전적 암호이기 때문에 계승과 발양이 절실하다.

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