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""Service" is the basic " of Japanese language translation


"Service" is the basic connotation of the new public service theory. It sets up the yardstick to test the development of public administration from the three levels of civil rights, public dialogue and social capital, and constructs a new public management model of dialogue, consultation and cooperation between the government and citizens. In addition to paying attention to the value of productivity, it pays more attention to respecting people's value. Based on respect for everyone, it realizes organizational goals through cooperation and sharing. New public service scholar Robert. Danhart and Janet. Danhart advocates advocating citizen participation in public management reform, protecting civil liberties, and giving full play to the important role of communities and non-governmental organizations.With the increasing importance of people's needs and values, the new public service theory has emerged and developed. Compared with the new public management theory, the progress of the latter is more reflected in paying attention to the application of technology and tools, but it ignores the ultimate value; The former focuses on human needs and the fundamental value of social development, and advocates that public administration attaches importance to the value of service and democracy and fairness. The introduction of "public culture" into the theory of "public service" has become the greatest concern of "public cultural satisfaction".

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