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"French culture and its cultural i" of Japanese language translation


French culture and its cultural industry play an important role in the world, and its public cultural management service system also has high research value and reference significance. In 1959, the establishment of the French Ministry of culture, the first central cultural management organ in French history, was regarded as a sign that cultural management was incorporated into modern government administration [9]. This is also the first time in Europe. So far, France has gradually established and improved the "government led" public culture supply system represented by it.Specifically, the leading position of the French government in its public culture supply system is mainly reflected in the following three aspects: first, the French Ministry of culture has a wide range of responsibilities, including the improvement of the overall cultural system and the arrangement of cultural policies, as well as the construction, management and protection of public cultural infrastructure and places. At the same time, it is also responsible for supporting, financing, supervising and managing public cultural activities, The cultivation and stimulation of cultural innovation and the protection of cultural heritage. Secondly, the French government has given greater support to cultural development. Moreover, thanks to France's tradition of attaching great importance to cultural development, the Ministry of culture not only customized a series of tax relief policies for cultural organizations, but also subsidized various cultural associations, which promoted the improvement of the public cultural service system and the development of cultural undertakings to a great extent.

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