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"First, realize the full coverage " of Japanese language translation


First, realize the full coverage of the network of public cultural facilities. We will strengthen the construction of public cultural facilities and support the construction of public cultural facilities to favor grass-roots rural and urban communities. Realize the full coverage of public libraries, museums and cultural centers in the city, and gradually meet the national ministerial or provincial standards. Second, the efficiency of public cultural services has been significantly improved. Improve the digital construction level and modern communication ability of public cultural digital resources and services in our city, and realize the effective integration of public cultural resources across departments, industries and regions. Steadily promote the reform of public welfare cultural institutions to significantly improve their service capacity. Third, improve the management, operation and guarantee mechanism of public culture. Gradually form a pattern in which the government, the market and society participate in the construction of the public cultural service system, promote the construction of the corporate governance structure of public welfare institutions, and gradually establish the council system. Fourth, the development and growth of the public cultural service team. Build a public cultural service team with reasonable structure, sufficient quantity and excellent quality, develop and expand the cultural volunteer service team, encourage and attract people with professional artistic expertise and love for cultural undertakings, so as to make up for the shortage of the full-time cultural talent team and form a good situation of continuous development and growth of the cultural service team.

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