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"From the above analysis, it can b" of Japanese language translation


From the above analysis, it can be concluded that the capital structure of listed banks has an impact on their operating performance, and there is a relationship between them. The capital structure of listed banks determines their means of financing, which determines their financing costs and financing risks. However, the financing cost and financing risk restrict each other, and it is impossible to increase or decrease at the same time. The business goal of banks is the same as that of enterprises: profit maximization. For banks, the cost of absorbing deposits is low. Therefore, banks will be happy to absorb more deposits, and excessive deposits will increase the leverage ratio of banks. Of course, the leverage ratio cannot continue to rise. A higher degree of leverage will bring certain risks, leading to bankruptcy or decline in its own value. The existence of regulatory authorities will produce regulatory costs. The more funds absorbed, the stronger the regulatory authorities will supervise them, and the regulatory costs will rise. The rise of supervision cost will increase the total cost of banks, which will affect the efficiency of banks. Theoretically, bank capital structure affects business performance. In order to verify the relationship between them in reality, this paper selects the actual data of 8 listed joint-stock banks in China as the basis of empirical analysis.

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