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"A suitable external environment p" of Japanese language translation


A suitable external environment plays an important role in improving the operating performance of commercial banks. A sound external environment can promote the stable and efficient operation of commercial banks. With the continuous improvement of China's economic openness, the capital market has ushered in more development opportunities. Compared with foreign developed countries, China's capital market system is in a critical period of construction, many systems and norms are not perfect, especially the strength of financial supervision needs to be strengthened. Therefore, China's financial management departments should take improving and perfecting the capital market system structure and strengthening industry norms as the core to build a relevant legal system and protect the interests of investors by strengthening the supervision of banks by external forces. In addition, most commercial banks have the problem of low transparency in financial information disclosure, so they need to enter the regulatory authorities to strengthen the supervision and standardization of accounting audit. At the same time, commercial banks should also strengthen the improvement of information disclosure mechanism, scientifically formulate financial information disclosure methods and measures, and ensure the authenticity and reliability of financial information by constructing a perfect management system, strengthen the transparency of market operation and information disclosure, so as to achieve the purpose of protecting the rights and interests of investors.

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