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"The concept of green is put forwa" of Japanese language translation


The concept of green is put forward by the state under the social background of comprehensively promoting sustainable development. It refers to integrating the concept of green development with the concept of environmental protection and applying it to the daily management activities of enterprises. In the 21st century, the voice of environmental protection is getting louder and louder. The idea of advocating green life is also more popular. The market will also have greater demand for green product consumption. To reform the traditional hotel industry and develop green hotels is a trend that conforms to the development of the times. In order to comply with the development concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", the hotel industry, as an important part of tourism, should comply with this development trend, pursue the organic balanced development of society, economy and ecology, make rational use of limited resources, reduce energy consumption, organically combine environmental protection and economic development, and create the maximum economic benefits. In 1994, China issued China's agenda for the 21st century, put forward the epoch-making concept of sustainable development, and formulated energyThe main strategic goal of the three in one coordinated development of economy and people's livelihood. Green ecological development will be the core of sustainable development. At the world climate seminar held in Copenhagen at the end of 2009, the exchange and evaluation of the development of green economy in the world were carried out, and the green initiative of energy conservation and emission reduction was put forward, which aroused strong repercussions in the world. In such an environment. The green development path of the hotel industry has become a subject of great research value.

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