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"For most domestic hotel enterpris" of Japanese language translation


For most domestic hotel enterprises, their awareness of hotel green management has not reached a clear level. Many hotels are still blindly imitating foreign advanced green hotel enterprises in response to the national call, and have not really implemented the green management concepts and methods into specific business activities. Some hotel enterprises simply believe that the green hotel management simply adds the green logo to the hotel brand and product packaging surface, so as to achieve the purpose of responding to the green management concept implemented by the state.At present, the managers of most domestic hotel enterprises do not have a correct and clear understanding of the green management concept during the management of green hotels, resulting in the failure to penetrate the green management concept into the management work in the process of management practice, and thus there is no way to accurately grasp the essential problems existing in the green management of hotels and put forward solutions. It makes the green management work superficial, too formalistic, and it is difficult to smoothly promote the reform of the green management system within the hotel enterprise. On the other hand, most hotels in China did not consider the problem of green environmental protection at the beginning of construction, and the application of energy-saving and environmental protection materials was insufficient. For the introduction and transformation of a large number of infrastructure equipment, not only the technical level was too high, but also a huge amount of money was required, which would bring great costs and risks to the hotels, resulting in some hotels being unable or unwilling to implement green management due to financial pressure.

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