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"Based on the requirements of the " of Japanese language translation


Based on the requirements of the sustainable development strategy issued by the central government and the regulations of the environmental protection law, all regional government departments should formulate laws and policies suitable for the development of the local green hotel industry according to the actual situation of each region, and set up a special supervision and management organization system to regulate, restrict and supervise the daily operation and management of the hotel industry and promote the implementation of the local green hotel management.In order to make the hotel industry consciously implement the concept of sustainable development and implement green hotel management, in addition to formulating relevant laws and regulations and strict supervision, the government departments can also formulate relevant reward and punishment policies to reward and praise hotel enterprises with excellent implementation of green management, high energy utilization rate and good sewage treatment, so as to set a good example for other hotel enterprises; The hotel enterprises that fail to meet the requirements of the green management policy will be given appropriate criticism and punishment measures to urge them to continue to improve. For example, the implementation of China's Green Hotel certification standard evaluates the level according to the efficient utilization of resources, energy consumption and waste in the operation and management process of hotel enterprises. At present, the classification of green hotels in China mainly includes class A, AA, AAA, AAAA and AAAAA. Building such an industry atmosphere of "striving for excellence" is more conducive to promoting the development process of China's green hotel industry.

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