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"Hello! I’m Telegram’s official Sp" of Chinese translation


Hello! I’m Telegram’s official Spam Info Bot. I can help you find out if your account was limited. I’ll also explain why this happens and what you can do to regain the full functionality. Send /start to launch me.



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'Hello! I’m Telegram’s official Spam Info Bot. I can help you find out if your account was limited. I’ll also explain why this happens and what you can do to regain the full functionality. Send /start to launch me.' of Chinese Translate to: 你好我是Telegram的官方垃圾邮件信息机器人。我可以帮你查明你的帐户是否有限。我还将解释为什么会发生这种情况,以及您可以做些什么来恢复完整的功能。发送/启动我。。
'Hello! I’m Telegram’s official Spam Info Bot. I can help you find out if your account was limited. I’ll also explain why this happens and what you can do to regain the full functionality. Send /start to launch me.' of Chinese Translate to: 你好我是电报公司的官方垃圾邮件信息机器人。我可以帮你查明你的帐户是否有限制。我还将解释为什么会发生这种情况,以及您可以做些什么来恢复完整的功能。发送/开始启动我。。
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