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"On 1 December 1971, Maimaitiming'" of Chinese translation


On 1 December 1971, Maimaitiming's two-year-old son accidentally threw himself into a fire while playing, and over 50% of his skin burned under a fire. Wu Dengyun is worried about this miserable little life. He devoted himself to saving himself for more than ten days, and the baby eventually got through shock and infection, and then wound healing was difficult. But the child's untouched skin is very little, and Mr. Wu has the heart to take too much of the remaining skin? Wu Dengyun turned his eyes to the child's father. But when Maimaitiming heard that he was going to take the skin from himself to repair the child, he was afraid. Wu Dengyun made an important decision to remove his skin. Of course, the OR nurse Wu Dengyun refused to cooperate. After all, we've never even heard of it. No doctor takes away the skin for the treatment of patients. Wu Dengyun had to inject himself with anaesthetic. First he took the skin from both thighs, then injected anesthetics into the legs and decisivel



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