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"With the continuous development o" of Estonian translation


With the continuous development of China's economy and the rapid improvement of science and technology, the new media era has come quietly. This has had a great impact on the traditional channels and methods of information dissemination, and the main body of information dissemination is no longer single, but towards the direction of diversity, in the new environment of information communication subject diversity needs to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the current situation of c


Hiina&\35;039;s majanduses ja teaduse ja tehnoloogia kiires paranemises on uus meediaajastu vaikselt saabunud.See on avaldanud suurt mõju traditsioonilistele teabekanalitele ja teabe levitamise meetoditele ning peamine teabelevitamine ei ole enam ühtne, vaid on suunatud mitmekesisuse suunas;Infokommunikatsiooni uues keskkonnas peab mitmekesisus analüüsima, millised eelised ja puudused on praeguses olukorras c

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